Blender Software Workshop

Blender Workshop

A workshop program on the basics of using Blender in the field of audiovisual interactive. Workshop was held on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at HONF. This workshop was given by Anne-Marie Schleiner and Luis Hernandez Galvan, two new media artist who focuses on the use of video-based games online and offline.

The workshop participants being taught the basic features that can be used to create 3D interactive modeling and simple programming. The workshop was also show the usefulness Open Sound Control (OSC) in communication between software and computers in Blender.

A short about Blender

Blender is a 3D graphics application is free and open source that can be used for modeling, animation, simulation, effects, rendering and more. This software is also very functional in nonlinear editing, composition, interactive 3D applications such as video games, animated films or visual effects. This software is released under the GNU General Public License. Blender is available for a number of operating systems, including GNU / Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Microsoft Windows.