Presentation by : Rana Pramulya (Animator-JKT/ID), 2nd presenter: Takdare Andreas Benhard Nugroho and Kurnia Andaressa (JKT/ID)

Presentation by : Rana Pramulya (Animator-JKT/ID), 2nd presenter: Takdare Andreas Benhard Nugroho and Kurnia Andaressa (JKT/ID)
An interdisciplinary lab, and develop various project and research. v.u.f.o.c main focus is democratizing science and technology. They produced series workshop, exhibition, discussion and presentation. The purposes of these initiative were:
– to classify all the communities that worked in advanced technology development in Yogyakarta, other cities in Indonesia, and globally.
– to create a collaborative work pattern for inter-creative communities involved in this projects and then to look the beneficial output which were potentially could be developed through more studies and researches
– to establish a interactive communications between communities, universities and expertise’s through presentations and workshops after the output and result of these projects have been researched. The purpose in these communications was to transfer all the knowledge and breakthroughs in these projects to the society.
Close detail for v.u.f.o.c go to
an extra note on aesthetics
Father Gregorius Budi Subanar, SJ
1) HONF (indeed) seems to be a distinct phenomenon of their own with their uniqueness. Their choice of the name HONF signifies their readiness and their intention to enter the global sphere. Furthermore, they work in the field of information and communication technology with all the modifications. House of Natural Fiber (HONF), a name which sounds so serious, can be imagined as a house, a place for people whose interests lie in tweaking optical fibers for digital technology modification. However, now the “natural fiber” also returns to its literal meaning as the fibers from the field of agriculture, hay and suchlike.
During the end of March 2012, Indonesians from various backgrounds were voicing outrage against the Indonesian Government’s plan to cut subsidies on the type of fuel used by most of the population, which would directly result in fuel price hike. Hundreds of demonstrations and rallies took place in many Indonesian major cities.
Credit to Gregor Abbas 2012
“The Mc Luhan Perspective: Of Massaging Mind and Media”
McLuhan went on to describe the emotional rigor and physical participation television extracts of its audience calling TV a ‘cool medium’. In the era of the Vietnam war, “a hot shooting war” he notes that a “cool medium such as TV involves the audience so deeply they find the war unbearable. Show the same war on press photography etc. and people won’t feel so badly about it. On TV they feel really involved.”
Revisiting this exchange in the era of cultural convergence that social media and digital culture creates globally we may ask today which medium has gained the emotional and reactive foreground of our participation as an audience?
HONF proudly present YIVF#07 Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival Mash Up Video – Open Video, and The 7th edition of the YIVF is open for 2011 video art entries for this year’s festival. YIVF#07 will take place within the period 5 – 21 December 2011 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The House of Natural Fiber (HONF), the Netherlands-based Waag Society, local authorities and guests celebrated the HONFablab grand opening in its new office in Jl Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta on Friday, July 29th, 2011. Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto delivered an opening speech, in which he show his enthusiasm about the lab, followed by speeches by the Jogja National Museum Executive Director KPH Wironegoro and HONF Director Venzha Christiawan. Read more
HONFablab [Fablab Yogyakarta] is the first FabLab in Indonesia, and even in South East Asia. Fablab in accordance with the vision and mission of the EFP HONF (Education Focus Program). is a program that was carried by HONF and conducted independently and militants during a period of more than 10 years.
Education Focus Program (EFP) is a curriculum that concentrates on interdisciplinary scientific exchange and collaboration in the process of critical analysis of issues that arise from such circumstances. This triggers the processing of innovative ideas to find the best solution for the problem. The main purpose of EFP is to build an open mindset and mentality in society by bridging the arts, science and technology through educational activities and continuous nature with each other.
HONFablab deliberately designed EFP as the main guide in planning and implementing their activities. EFP focuses on educative activities in the form of :
Learning by Sharing
Learning by Exchanging
Learning by Serving
Complete about HONFablab go to
HONFactory (HONF:Media) means a space to study, learning and sharing through various medium : media as a physical space and as conceptual space. Media as a physical space is assumed to be research and experiments in a specific room, intended for accuracy, and the achievement of set goals.
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