“Every cell I have is yours, individually and collectively. I can’t be more yours than I am, even if a surgical operation made us one.”
C6H1206+O2 is an innovative work using an unique photosynthesis from Azolla, a water fern and Anabaena (Cyanobacteria). They both formed unseparable marriages or symbiotic associations to each other in a quantum biology. Divorce is practically non exist, and separations may result for their death.
They are the pioneers of the planet earth, it was the cyanobacteria who first evolved to gain energy from to sun about 2,5 – 3,5 billions years ago. Life back then tapped quantum engtanglement as a process to capture the energy and information of the sun.
C6H1206+O2, aim to create an alternative solution for a sustainable circular economy. By using the combination between arts, science and technology to exploring the potentialities of unique symbiotic relation between azolla and anabaena, their photosynthesis process able to produce biofertilizer, biopolymer, water purifier, microbial fuel cell, livestock feed and reducing man- made climate change.