Category: Archives

HONF in FIXER | Pameran Ruang Alternatif & Kelompok Seni Rupa di Indonesia
North Art Space Jakarta (, 18 – 28 Juni 2010 Read more
Intelligent Bacteria Project (SC)
Intelligent Bacteria is one of the research program in the Education Focus Program (EFP), which focuses on the collaboration between art and science. This program is the result of collaboration between HONF and a scientist community from the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) to explore the field of microbiology and biotechnology. Intelligence Bacteria have a main goal to bridge the practice, theories and innovative ideas from the fields of art and science to actualize it’s application based on generic infrastructure and affordable technologies. This platform was built from a common vision to develop and integrate the two fields of disciplines to find new forms of innovation which refers to the needs of interdisciplinary actions for the wide society. Read more

Breakcore_LABS 0.7.2 cok2cok – VJ Workshop with PureData
Wenesday 3 March 2010VJ-Workshop start 16.00 @ Lab. Audio Visual Despro Institute of Technology Sepuluh November
Free T-Shirt Printing -2- Free Software Programming
breakcore_LABS 0.7.2 – cok2cok was enriched by 2 activities beside the audiovisual performance. The first activity was a T-Shirt Printing that was given by 337 with Reza a.k.a Aa’Arul as the leading man. The T-shirt printing was done manually by hand and was given for free for all the audience in breakcore_LABS 0.7.2. All the audience have to do were to bring any t-shirt with any color, and they can get the free printing of breakcore_LABS 0.7.1 picture on their T-shirt. The picture itself was made by Ichan Harem, and Reza has prepared several color for the audience to choose to match with their T-shirt color. Later on that night, many of the audiences were using different color of T-shirts with the same print design on it.
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up:DATE Project in Romania
up:DATE project continue to Bucharest, Romania.
Hosted by AVMotional, Romania