Category: News

Transformaking 2015 Open Call
Calling all thinkers and tinkerers to be a part of the first International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making!

HONF for rp:14, HONFablab for FAN1
For the second time HONF invited to attend and present the project at the re: publica 2014. Like last year , Irene Agrivina representing HONF which this time brought topic about “Yogya 2015 Summit of Critical Making” in Global Innovation Gathering ( GIG ) , re : publica 2014 from April 2 – May 8, 2014 , Berlin , Germany .

Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival YIVF#07 Mash Up Video – Open Video 5 – 21 DECEMBER 2011
HONF proudly present YIVF#07 Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival Mash Up Video – Open Video, and The 7th edition of the YIVF is open for 2011 video art entries for this year’s festival. YIVF#07 will take place within the period 5 – 21 December 2011 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

HONFablab (Fablab Yogyakarta) Grand Opening
The House of Natural Fiber (HONF), the Netherlands-based Waag Society, local authorities and guests celebrated the HONFablab grand opening in its new office in Jl Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta on Friday, July 29th, 2011. Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto delivered an opening speech, in which he show his enthusiasm about the lab, followed by speeches by the Jogja National Museum Executive Director KPH Wironegoro and HONF Director Venzha Christiawan. Read more

The Intelligent Bacteria Seminar
HONF and Farming Technology Faculty, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta host “The Intelligent Bacteria” Seminar on Sunday, 15th May 2011. The seminar take place at Auditorium building, Farming Technology, Gadjah Mada University with the list of speakers: Read more

Asia-Pasific DIYBio and BioArt Meeting
The first Asia-Pacific DIY-Bio and Bio-Art Meeting “Democratizing the Laboratory” took place at HONF HQ, wora wari A80 Baciro, Yogyakarta and another one session at Post Graduate Microbiology, Gadjah Mada University. Read more

Kingdom of Rebels#02: Malaysia – Singapore

Space Ecologies Presentation
A presentation from Angelo Vermeulen (BE) as part of HONF residency program on next july 2011.
the presentation held as collaboration of HONF and Microbiology Lab, Gadjah Mada University.
Space Ecologies explores the future of mankind in outer space, and this project is a collaboration with different international partners such as the European Space Agency and the Sint–Lucas Visual Arts Ghent. In Yogyakarta, Vermeulen plans to engage in dialogue about local cosmology and explore the ‘terraforming‘ of Mount Merapi.

EMPIRE: 5º00′ N, 120º00’E
On 25th February, HONF presents one night video exhibition by Kelly O’Neill (US) and Eline Jongsma (NL), two cross-Atlantic filmmaking team. Their approach is solidly Do-It-Yourself: they work as a two-person crew, and use small, low-cost camera equipment. They first collaborated in 2006 while attending an artist residency in Prishtine, Kosovo. While there, they made and exhibited a new media installation shot partially on the largest US-led military base in Europe. Read more