Sunday workshop making MOL and simple hydrophonic with fermentation process at Pasar Organikologi at IFI-LIP Yogyakarta. Cellskid Fete de la science. The workshops conducted by Irene Agrivina, open for public (kids).

Sunday workshop making MOL and simple hydrophonic with fermentation process at Pasar Organikologi at IFI-LIP Yogyakarta. Cellskid Fete de la science. The workshops conducted by Irene Agrivina, open for public (kids).
Laboratory equipment is often unavailable in the Global South due to high acquisition costs. This unavailability is perpetuated by divides in knowledge production centered in the North, which denies the South recognition and validity. This divide is manifested in international aid through the idea of technology transfer, which was embraced in neoliberal policy in the “development decades” following World War II (Perez, 1988; Kumar Mehta, 2001).
Announced today, 26th May 2015, XXLAB –an interdisciplinary all-female collective on art, science and free technology based in Yogyakarta– wins PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA [the next idea] 2015 (
more about them and their project SOYA C(O)U(L)TURE go to
Calling all thinkers and tinkerers to be a part of the first International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making!
A short movie presented by HONFablab (FabLab Yogyakarta) about maker culture. Directed by Gentur Suria, produced by Sostenes Alfonsos
Art installation based on the design theory of five kingdoms of life; monera, protista, fungi, plantar and animalia, by XXLab, HONFablab [Fablab Yogyakarta] and Dorxlab Id
In the garage, HONF former HQ we held 2 days session of sharing & discussions on digital culture; Big Datas, Digital DIY Movements, Open Source & digital privacy and closed with warming acoustic music performance by Sungai Band.
Pirate Market Day | Day 01
Pirate Market Day | Day 02
Thanks to:
Yudianto Asmoro (Senior Digital Engineer)
Amrin Hakim (LPTI PM)
Happy Sahrodji (Open Source OS Movement)
XXLab (Female Collective on Citizen Science & Free Technology)
Geert Lovink from Institute of Network Culture, Amsterdam, The Netherland came to Yogyakarta to give 2 days master class on digital culture at PKKH Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. 2 days master class presented by HONF Foundation, part of Digital Culture Forum and Media (DCFM) by HONFactory.
2 days master class lecture on Internet & digital culture that held at PKKH (Pusat Kebudayaan Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri) attended by 15 enthutiasted registered participants follows 6 hours session on each day with one hour break for lunch and coffee.
Geert Lovink, founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures, is a Dutch-Australian media theorist and critic. He holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne and in 2003 was at the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland. In 2004 Lovink was appointed as Research Professor at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Associate Professor at University of Amsterdam. Since 2009 he has been a media theory professor at the European Graduate School (Saas-Fee) and in 2011 he become an associated member of the Center for Digital Cultures at the Leuphana University. He is the founder of Internet projects such as nettime and fibreculture. His recent book titles are Dark Fiber (2002), Uncanny Networks (2002) and My First Recession (2003). In 2005-06 he was a fellow at the WissenschaftskollegBerlin Institute for Advanced Study where he finished his third volume on critical Internet culture, Zero Comments (2007)
The Institute of Network Cultures (INC) analyzes and shapes the terrain of network cultures through events, publications, and online dialogue. Our projects evolve around digital publishing, alternative revenue models, online video and design, digital counter culture and much more.
The INC was founded in 2004 by Geert Lovink, following his appointment within the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. A key focus is the establishment of sustainable research networks. Emerging critical topics are identified and shaped in a practical sense. Interdisciplinary in character, the INC brings together researchers, artists, activists, programmers, designers, and students and teachers.
The Master Class is incorporated HONF Foundation & The Institute of Network Culture.
Thanks to: PKKH (Pusat Kebudayaan Koesnadi Hardjosoemarmo)