Good news coming from Berlin, at Transmediale 2011 HONF team made success on winning the Award for its project; Intelligent Bacteria Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (IB:SC). HONF team present its installation; The “bacteria orchestra”. Read more

Good news coming from Berlin, at Transmediale 2011 HONF team made success on winning the Award for its project; Intelligent Bacteria Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (IB:SC). HONF team present its installation; The “bacteria orchestra”. Read more
Intelligent Bacteria is one of the research program in the Education Focus Program (EFP), which focuses on the collaboration between art and science. This program is the result of collaboration between HONF and a scientist community from the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) to explore the field of microbiology and biotechnology. Intelligence Bacteria have a main goal to bridge the practice, theories and innovative ideas from the fields of art and science to actualize it’s application based on generic infrastructure and affordable technologies. This platform was built from a common vision to develop and integrate the two fields of disciplines to find new forms of innovation which refers to the needs of interdisciplinary actions for the wide society. Read more