HONF in FIXER | Pameran Ruang Alternatif & Kelompok Seni Rupa di Indonesia
North Art Space Jakarta (http://northartspace.com), 18 – 28 Juni 2010
In June 2010, HONF participated FIXER, an exhibition of Alternative Space & Arts Groups in Indonesia that is organized by ruangrupa Jakarta (http://ruangrupa.org). FIXER displays a number of arts organizations run by artists that managed to survive in the last few years and play role in the development of contemporary art in Indonesia. Artist organizations in this exhibition have at least two tendencies at once in the practice. First is the artistic production work in which the organization/community is producing collective and individual artistic works, while the second is the organization/community has public awareness by running, either independently or by collaboration, broad public events such as exhibitions, workshops, festivals, discussions, publishing, film.video screenings, websites, archiving and researches.
In this opportunity, HONF and other FIXER participants give contribution of past project and activity documentations in the exhibition space in form of pictures and videos. To give a better understanding of HONF system and activity, we prepared a schematic layout of HONF past activities and an interactive sound installation created through collaboration process with Microbiology Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. The installation itself is displaying a fermentation process in self-making-alcohol using Saccharomyces cerevisae which is part of Inteligent Bacteria program from HONF.
Besides participating the exhibition, HONF also participated in a presentation and discussion session on 20 June 2010. The topic of discussion “The expansion of space, technology and media” is participated by representatives from Forum Lenteng (Jakarta), Common Room Networks Foundation (Bandung), The House of Natural Fiber (Yogyakarta), Videolab (Bandung). In this presentation and discussion session, all representatives gives a brief explanation and introduction to the forum on their organization/community activities and then discussed the development of media and technology in Indonesia.
HONF was represented by Tommy ‘Imot’ Surya, Irene ‘Ira’ Agrivina, Agus Tri ‘Timbil’ Budiarto, Julian ‘Togar’ Abraham, Andreas ‘Ucok’ Siagian, Sutanto Syambas Effendi and Nur Akbar Arofatullah.
FIXER participants:
Akademi Samali (Jakarta), http://akademisamali.multiply.com/
Asbestos Art Space (Bandung), http://www.asbestosartspace.org/
Atap Alis (Jakarta), http://atapalis.multiply.com/
BYAR Creative Industry (Semarang), http://beritabyar.blogspot.com/
Common Room Networks Foundation (Bandung), http://commonroom.info/
Forum Lenteng (Jakarta), http://forumlentengjakarta.org/
Gardu Unik (Cirebon), http://garduunik.co.cc
House of Natural Fiber (Yogyakarta), http://natural-fiber.com/
Jatiwangi Art Factory (Jatiwangi), http://jatiwangiartfactory.org/
Kampung Segart (Jakarta), http://kampungsegart.blogspot.com/
Malang Meeting Point (Malang), http://mamipo.org/
Maros Visual Culture Initiative (Jakarta), http://marosvci.multiply.com/
Performance Club (Yogyakarta), http://performanceklub.blogspot.com/
ruangrupa (Jakarta), http://ruangrupa.org
Ruang Akal (Makassar), http://ruangakal.com/
Ruang Mes56 (Yogyakarta), http://mes56.com/
Sarueh (Padang Panjang), http://sarueh.wordpress.com/
Serrum (Jakarta), http://serrum.org/
Tembok Bomber (Jakarta), http://tembokbomber.com/
Urbanspace (Surabaya)
Video Lab (Bandung)
events detail: