HONF will be participating the next Playaround 2010 festival in Taiwan. With the theme of DIWO culture (Do It With Others), HONF will be presenting a workshop on Generic Infrastructures Community & Tools. HONF will be represented by Venzha Christ, Irene Agrivina and Tommy Surya. In this festival HONF will be presenting:
SOCIAL CHAOS – DESTITUTE COUNTRY ( Circle of Satan (COS)- Indonesia)
Circle of Satan is a platform for exchanges, meetings, sharing, discussions and common thinking. It expresses the struggle and disadvantage of a developing country. Whenever opportunity arises, another obstacle defeats progress, in either the form of natural disaster or human corruption. Indonesia still remains one of the poorest nations, with a substantial lack of technology for the public. Is there still a dream possible in the face of chaotic infrastructure, corruption, deforestation, illegal loging, the Pacific ring of fire, sweatshops and globalisation.
EFP is a project conceived of by people from and for a developing country. The main goal of the project is to build a modern conception of a future between technology and people. It thus includes activities and research focusing on people, technology, communities and beyond. In order to be effective we must concentrate our efforts on the understanding of the diversity of communities, which are implicated in the relationship between art and technology. This will rely on the effort not only of artists, but also of members of the community. This mutual understanding will in future encourage a positive effect for the community, in general, but particularly concerning new technologies among young people and the public in general.
We have to learn how to manage those situation especially in the third world countries. We need to put in place rules, protocols, methodologies codes of behavior, cultural facilities, means of governance, treaties and institutions of many types that will enable us too cooperate. A deep wisdom about today situation will be essential. Science and technology are accelerating furiously but wisdom is not. We are brilliant at creating new technology but are not wise in learning how to cope with it. Today, deep reflection about our circumstances is eclipsed by a frenzy of ever more complex techniques and gadgets preoccupation with how to increase shareholder value. The skill/wisdom gap is made greater because the skills offer the ways to get wealthy. Society’s best brains are saturated with immediate issues that become ever more complex.
1. Generic infrastructure >> HONF develop some social devices, and participants can choose one to develop to suit for the local issues.
2. Analog Circuit Structures >> more info soon
3. Under 50$ prothestic >> co-operation between HONF, fablab Amsterdam & Yakkum Rehabilitation Centre, Tommy will conduct a possible solution, bring not only the idea but also actual material and solution of how to build a prothestic for handicap people.
* This project is an co-operation between HONF, fablab Amsterdam & Yakkum Rehabilitation Centre about how to built under 50$ below knee prosthetic for handicap. This prosthetics project has been a project between HONF and Fablab Amsterdam since early 2009 and has been held two workshop in Fablab Amsterdam and involved into HAR (Hacking At Random) festival in 2009.
* The result of this project is not only focused on the price, but also in cosmetics, which helps poor people who unable to afford a proper prosthetics that usually expensive for them, to have either cheap and “nice look” bellow knee prosthetics as those two things above was came as top request among them.
* HONF will participate to have a presentation while Alex Schaub will participating via live screening from Fablab Amsterdam, as HONF work of partner in this project to share more advance technical experiences and re-engineer achievements during the last two workshop that held in Fablab Amsterdam in 2009 and 2010.
FabLab | Waag Society’s Fabrication Laboratory
http://amsterdam.fablab.nl (external link)
HONF – House of Nature Fiber | Yogyakarta new media art laboratory
http://www.natural-fiber.com/ (external link)
Yakkum Rehabilitation Centre – Indonesia
http://www.rehabilitasi-yakkum.or.id/ (external link)