Good news coming from Berlin, at Transmediale 2011 HONF team made success on winning the Award for its project; Intelligent Bacteria Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (IB:SC). HONF team present its installation; The “bacteria orchestra”. Read more

Good news coming from Berlin, at Transmediale 2011 HONF team made success on winning the Award for its project; Intelligent Bacteria Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (IB:SC). HONF team present its installation; The “bacteria orchestra”. Read more
in Zusammenarbeit mit ESC im LABOR
Freitag, 10.9.2010, 19.00 Uhr
Venzha Christ: presentation of HONF – The House of Natural Fiber
Yogyakarta new media art laboratory, Indonesia
in English
Marko Batista: Parallel Digital Structures
Experimental intermedia performance
Event produced by Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the
Municipality of Ljubljana
HONF in KIBLIX Festival
From 2002 to 2009 KIBLA Multimedia centre was gradually transforming the international, technically oriented open code festival Kiblix into a domain of art and education, its 9th edition in 2010 stepping into an even wider cultural and social field. Oriented into education, KIBLIX Festival is intended for secondary school and university students as well as expert and business audiences interested in information technology, open code, open society and contemporary trans-new-media art. Read more
HONF will be participating the next Playaround 2010 festival in Taiwan. With the theme of DIWO culture (Do It With Others), HONF will be presenting a workshop on Generic Infrastructures Community & Tools. HONF will be represented by Venzha Christ, Irene Agrivina and Tommy Surya. In this festival HONF will be presenting: Read more
In late June 2010, HONF participated Mal Au Pixel 5, 2010 in Paris, France. HONF was represented by Andreas Siagian who join a conference of Hack/fab/media/alt labs of the world. HONF is the only media lab from Asia who participated in this meeting. In this chance, HONF were presenting open community systematic in inter-community collaborations in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Read more
New Media Workers across Asia and Europe: Research Platform for Interregional Collaborations
The central concept that frames this initiative concerns the conditions of labor and life among new media workers in Asia and Europe. Inviting new media practitioners from Asia and Europe to collectively analyze and discuss their work practices with artists and civil society organizers provides an innovative means of tracking transformations in the web-based industries and encouraging dialogue between the regions. In Europe, images of new media practitioners as either exploited precarious workers or free creative spirits abound, but have these same stereotypes proliferated in Asia? What are the cultures of creativity and work that frame these practices? Bringing together various actors whose intellectual, artistic and social expressions confront these questions is highly relevant to policy making that seeks to address the changing relations between culture and economy as well as the ongoing transformations of borders and regions.
7 July: Organizer’s meeting, arrival of participants
8 July: 1.30-6pm – Interviews with participants, Goethe Institute
9 July: 10.30am-5.15pm – Seminar at Goethe Institute
9 July: 6-8pm – Public screenings of videos from participants, Goethe Institute
10 July: Field research
11 July: Field research
Venzha Christ
Mauricio Corbalan
Chen Hangfeng
Maurizio Lazzarato
Geert Lovink
Anja Kanngieser
Angela Melitopoulos
Brett Neilson
Ned Rossiter
Shveta Sarda
David Teh
Soenke Zehle
Manuela Zechner
After 2 weeks of preparation for S.A.T.U (Saturn Analogy of Trans Urgency) project for Structural Integrity of Next Wave Festival 2010 in Melbourne, Australia, HONF have turn their pavilion in to a dark room filled with hexagonal shapes of aluminum structures. In this pavilion, HONF have installed 3 hexagon installations which experimenting on the influence of Ultra-sound and Infra-sound impact that is undetected by human sensors. A near Ultrasonic audible sounds is also installed to give the audience the feeling of existence inside of the space. Read more
In early May 2010, HONF participated in Syncretic Transcodings Seminar 2010 that is organized by UQAM Coeur des Sciences, Montreal. The first seminar of the”Syncretic Transcodings” series will gather Montreal researchers-creators, artists and student around a group of four international researchers and four Montreal researchers, for a 3-days meeting meant to trigger the discussion about the impact of cultural values on the evolution of relations between art, science and technology. Representatives of organizations throughout Quebec media arts scene will also be present. Represented by Venzha Christ, HONF followed the Seminar agenda in May 4-5-7, 2010, featuring presentations from:
1. Daria Parkhomenko – LABORATORIA Art&Science Space – – (Russia)
2. Marcos Cuzziol – ITAULAB – – Sa› Paulo (Brazil)
3. Karen Dermineur & Maria Luisa Angulo – TRIAS CULTURE – – Dakar (Senegal)
4. Gregory Chatonsky – INCIDENT – Paris
5. Daniel Dion – OBORO – – Montreal
6. Jocelyn Robert – AVATAR – – Quebec
7. Alain Thibault – ELEKTRA – – Montreal
8. Sandeep Bhagwati – MATRALAB – – Montreal
9. Lynn Hughes et Jean Dubois – INTERSTICES – – Montreal
In this opportunities, Venzha was giving a presentation on Circle Of Satan (COS) and HONF activities to the audience in the seminar.