International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making
a special tribute to our lovely friend, brother, and family, co-founder of HONF Foundation: Tommy Surya (1976 – 2017)
30 Nov – 2 Dec 2017
IFI LIP Yogyakarta
HONF Foundation Space
BARCODE | Kitchen and Bar

Despite successive advances in the humanities, in science and engineering, humankind has reached an impasse. In East and West alike, societies veer awkwardly to an authoritarian nationalism once deemed a relic of the past. Energy and natural resources are squandered on an inequitable economic system, leaving millions hungry, whilst global warming threatens ecological collapse.
Since the mid-20th century, influential thinkers have critiqued the excesses of rational modernity, and the relativism of post-modernity respectively. In more recent times, a globally networked culture has eclipsed our earlier notions of society. As a result of this global society, an abundance of knowledge based resources has reshaped our idea of what is permissible, and more importantly, what is possible.Given these unique circumstances, we must now challenge ourselves to understand what it means to be alive in an age of contradictions.
Join us at Transformaking 2017: ALIVE as we trace the precarious path ahead through the lens of optimism. We ask vital questions on how new knowledge can be used to empower people in an otherwise exclusive system. On science, technology and innovation, we ask if is it possible to avert catastrophe through rational means alone. On society, we ask how to reconcile individual needs within the local and global collective. Finally, throughout all of this, we explore the significant role matters of dignity and personhood must play in critical dialogues in innovation.
30 Nov: Transformaking Symposium
1 Dec: Transformaking Workshop Series (session_01), Performances and Closing Party
2 Dec: Discussion, Transformaking Workshop Series (session_02)
Transformaking Symposium
30 Nov 2017
IFI LIP Yogyakarta
Jalan Sagan no 3, Sagan, Yogyakarta [map]
12.30pm – 5pm
Keynote Speakers :
– Ilham A Habibie (ID)
(Co-Founder, The Habibie Center / THC, Chair of the Institute for Democracy through Science and Technology / IDST, Leader of the National Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Council, Jakarta, Indonesia)
– Tom Rowlands (UK)
(Senior Researcher, Creative Producer, FACT, Liverpool, UK)
Speakers and Moderators :
– Erianto Rachman (ID)
(CEO, Liberica Homes, Jakarta, Indonesia)
– Agus Hariyadi (ID)
(Senior Researcher, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
– Krzysztof Stasiak (PL)
(Product Designer, Maker, Educator, Poland)
– Irene Agrivina (ID)
(Director, co-founder of HONF Foundation, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
– Wan Zaleha (MY)
(Director, co-founder of CATEC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
– Ishan Shapiro (USA)
(Maker, Educator, Creative Producer, Los Angeles, USA)
– Zaqi Fathis (ID)
(Senior Researcher, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
– Jeong-ok Jeon (ID/KR)
(Director, ARCOLABS, Center for Art and Community Management, Jakarta, Indonesia – Korea)
– (*) add
Researcher from IFI Jakarta, Indonesia
Interpreter (if needed)
– Eka Jayani Ayuningtyas (ID)
Transformaking Workshop Series (session_01)
1 Dec 2017
HONF Foundation Space
Jalan Langenastran Lor 16, Panembahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta [map]
10am – 5pm
Selected and Curated by : Dhoni Yudhanto (HONFablab)
– Nur Agustinus (ID)
– Tom Rowlands (UK)
– Ichan Harem + Irene Agrivina + Ratna Djuwita (ID) – BARASUB (ID)
– Krzysztof Stasiak (PL)
– Ishan Shapiro (USA)
– Yudianto Asmoro (ID)
– Dwiky KA (ID)
Performances and Closing Party
Barcode | Kitchen and Bar
Jl. R.W. Monginsidi no. 23, Yogyakarta [map]
9pm – 3am
Selected and Curated by : Argha Mahendra (HONF Foundation)
a visual performance
6 tracks from Random Access Memory + Daft Club + Musique Vol.1
*Beyond (1)
*Lose yourself to Dance (feat. MazBay) (2)
*Robot Rock (feat. Lintang Enrico x Egha) (3)
*Contact (feat. Argha Mahendra) (4) *Overture (feat. Electrocore) (5)
*ALIVE (feat. Irene A. & Ican Harem) (6)
VJ / Visual Art Installation :
*Julian Abraham
DJ :
*Lintang Enrico x Egha
A Charity Night for Cancer and HIV kids Foundation. You may donate your cash, paypal, wire, books, toys, etc.
Transformaking Workshop Series (session_02)
+ Discussion (chill_out)
2 Dec 2017
HONF Foundation Space
Jalan Langenastran Lor 16, Panembahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta [map]
3pm – 12pm
– Ican Harem + Irene Agrivina + Ratna Djuwita (ID) – BARASUB (ID)
– Dwiky KA (ID)